
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Four in Ten Voters Would Prefer Any Republican to Obama

Americans are coming to grips with a growing rejection of the notion that Barack Obama is qualified to hold the office of president of the United States. According to a Quinnipiac University poll released today, nearly half of the the voters polled (48%) said that Barack Obama does not deserve reelection in 2012. Voters who are dissatisfied with Obama feel that dissatisfaction strongly. Nearly 4 in ten voters surveyed (39%) reported that, in 2012, they will vote for an unnamed Republican rather than Obama.

More than half of the voters surveyed (58%) disapprove of Obama's handling of illegal immigration, followed by 56% who disapprove of his handling of the economy, 51% of his handling of the Gulf Oil Spill, and 46% of his foreign policy.

Of the almost 2200 voters surveyed, 44% still approve of Obama's performance, although this approval fell 4% in the last two months and 13% in the last year. The 38% of Independents who still approve of Obama are nearly offset by the 37% of Independents who plan to vote for a Republican. Only 12% of voters value Obama's opinion of other Democrats enough to be more likely to vote for someone he supports.

Nevertheless, Obama is still more popular than Congress. Six in ten (59%) disapprove of both Congressional Democrats and Congressional Republicans, but more voters would chose to vote for a Republican for Congress (43%) than a Democrat (38%).


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