
Monday, July 5, 2010

Mexican Cartel Threatens to Blow Up Texas Dam; Generates "Plenty of Concern"

There are plenty of events that you might think would make big news but don't because they contradict utterances made by Barack Obama or one of his high-ranking Obamatons. A case in point is the reported plan by a Mexican drug cartel, the Zeta cartel, to blow up Falcon Dam on the Rio Grande, southwest of San Antonio, Texas, as an act of vengeance against a rival cartel, the Gulf cartel,  "which controls smuggling routes from the reservoir to the Gulf of Mexico."

It seems that members of the Zeta cartel had been circulating handbills and driving around with bullhorns to warn the population "on the Mexican side of the river near the dam to get out of the area." The cartel, of course, is known to have explosives and ex-military members "trained in special forces tactics, including demolition." If these drug thugs had succeeded in seriously compromising the dam, they would have released 534 billion gallons of water stored behind the dam in Falcon Lake. Addendum: That would flood the Gulf cartel's smuggling routes from Falcon Lake to the Gulf, along with "massive amounts of agricultural land . . .  as well as significant parts of a region where about 4 million people live along both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border."

Contrast the Zeta cartel's threat in May of this year with a remark made by Obama during his "immigration reform" speech of June 1:
So the bottom line is this: The southern border is more secure today than at any time in the past 20 years. 
Falcon Lake is considered "one of the best bass-fishing lakes in the country"--provided that you aren't being attacked by Mexican Zeta cartel pirates armed with machine guns, like this fisherman:
The threatened attack on the dam was met with secret actions by the "American police, federal agents and disaster officials" including the "U.S. Border Patrol, the Texas Department of Public Safety and even game wardens," according to officials. A "stepped-up presence by the Mexican military" may also have played a role.

Said Gene Falcon, director of emergency preparedness for Starr County where Falcon Dam is sited, "It would have been a hell of a disaster. There was plenty of concern."

I'll bet.

But will that concern ever reach the White House?

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