
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Colorado Hispanics Want an Immigration Law Like Arizona's

How is Obama's unrelenting push to kill Arizona's immigration bill working out in America's Southwest?

Not as well as expected, it seems, if the results of the first Denver Post/9News poll of the 2010 election campaign are any indication.

According to that poll, six out of ten Hispanic voters registered in Colorado (62%) would like to see their state enact an immigration law similar to Arizona's, and only three out of ten (31%) would be opposed to such a law. That pretty much matches the opinions of Arizonan registered voters who identify themselves as White, among whom six out of ten (61%) would like to see a Colorado version of the Arizona law, and three or four in ten (35%) would not.

Q. Should Colorado pass an immigration law similar to the one recently passed in Arizona? Or not?
It's public opinion like this that motivated Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman to quip,  "I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that almost every state in America next January is going to see a bill similar to Arizona's."

More and more, it looks like Americans aim to protect their country, not only from "unauthorized Democrats" flooding in illegally from other countries, but from their enablers in the White House and Congress.

Cross-posted at Potluck.

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