
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Big Dan's Big News July 27, 2010

PROOF that Pennsylvania should tax the Reckless Drillers @ 55% like the CASINOS and their threats of leaving if they're taxed are just a bluff to get out of paying ANY taxes: read the article below - casinos in Pennsylvania are flourishing at a 55% tax rate and Pennsylvania is also making money. The Reckless Drillers are NOT going to leave...even if we tax them @ 55% like the casinos. And the Reckless Drillers are like a casino, anyway - you never know which well is going to blow up, how many workers will die each time, how many people will die because of polluted water, or which lake or stream they're going to pollute. Kind of like playing Russian roulette.

"Pennsylvania topped the nation with about $1.1 billion in tax revenue from casinos in the 2009 fiscal year. The take outpaced even Nevada, where the glitz and sparkling lights of gambler-paradise Las Vegas help translate to about $832 million in tax revenue.......With nine casinos operating, Pennsylvania cannot equal the sheer power of Las Vegas' 260 casinos. But the state gains an edge in revenue streams because of a 55 percent tax rate on slots......."

Pa. tops U.S. in CASINO gambling tax revenue

Julian Assange/Wikileaks

A reading list to help understand Wikileaks’ ‘War Logs’

Afghanistan war logs: How US marines sanitised record of bloodbath - War logs show how marines gave cleaned up accounts of incident in which they killed 19 civilians

Julian Assange (Wikileaks) - I Enjoy Exposing People Who Abuse The Power & The Innocent! Julian Assange WikiLeaks

Exclusive: Eager for new ‘Curveball,’ CIA may have been duped by Iranian double agent

Judge Rules CIA Can Withhold Info about Illegal Methods

Why I Fight by Cindy Sheehan

Instead of me posting individual reports from Democracy NOW!, just watch the ENTIRE DN! for today - it's all about Julian Assange & Wikileaks:

9/11: All In One Chunk

The Tea Party is a non-partisan, grassroots's just that it's all: Republicans, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Mike Savage, Andrew Breitbart, Dick Armey, Karl Rove, FOX "news", Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck.........and it's about regular people paying too much taxes...except that according to polls, all their taxes were cut because almost all of them are well off but make under $250,000.00! And there's no liberals or blacks in it. And the ONLY people telling us it's a non-partisan, grassroots uprising ARE THOSE VERY SAME PEOPLE I MENTIONED ABOVE! Sure! It's not about Republicans who are pissed that they aren't in power anymore! It's just that they're all white Republicans. And pigs with lipstick fly...

Matt Taibbi: "It’s just not necessary to say whether or not these people are racists. All that needs to be pointed out is that when they get a chance to gape at a video purporting to show a black Obama official confessing to having mistreated a white farmer (it turned out to be the opposite of that, of course), or a tape of Black Panther King Shamir talking about “killing cracker babies,” the word that best describes the emotions they display at these times is glee."

Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi: The Tea Party is Perverted and Irrelevant

Florida GOP U.S. Senate candidate Marco Rubio: End Tax Benefits For The Middle Class While Extending Them For The Rich

Rinse, repeat: Right-wing media just can't stop pushing fake stories

Andrew Breitbart's Next Target? - Oliver Stone

Fox News' long history of race-baiting

Pink Floyd comments on gloryholes: "All in all, it's just another prick in the wall".

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