
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Today: Ground Zero Mosque Landmark Meeting (ALERT: LOCATION CHANGED!!!)

I am just returning from a couple of weeks of business travel (hence light blogging, sorry) to find that today, July 13, there will be a public hearing before the New York City Landmarks Committee concerning the proposed Ground Zero Mosque. The planned location of the mosque, which will overlook Ground Zero, is within the 9/11 killing zone. The proposed site has been occupied for the last 152 years by the Burlington Coat Factory building, which was itself damaged on 9/11 when a piece of the fuselage [see image below] of one of the aircraft that flew into the World Trade Center fell into it.

Opponents of the Ground Zero mosque would like the Burlington Coat Factory building to be designated as a historic landmark. They argue that this old building is part of historic New York and that it is a war memorial. Designation of the Coat Factory Building as a historic landmark would prevent its being replaced by a Ground Zero mega-mosque that is 15 stories high and from which worshippers would be able to look down on the former site of the World Trade Center as they pray.
At the hearing a member of the Research Department makes a brief presentation about the property under consideration. The Chairman then asks whether the owner or a representative of the owner would like to speak. All other interested parties are then encouraged to present their opinions on the proposed designation. Interested parties can also submit written statements about the proposed designation at the hearing or after the hearing, up to the time that the Commission votes on the proposed designation. 
While a historic district is under consideration by the Landmarks Preservation Commission, the Research Department writes a detailed report, describing the architectural, historical, and/or cultural significance of the historic district and a detailed description of each building within the proposed district. Building owners are mailed a draft copy of their building’s description for review and comment. The Commissioners also review the draft report and use this report, along with public testimony, as the basis for their decision-making. 
The Commission then votes on the designation at a public meeting. Six votes are needed to approve or deny a designation. By law, landmark designation is effective upon the Commission's vote, and all rules and regulations of the Landmarks Law are applicable. Within ten days, the LPC files copies of the final designation report with the City Council, the City Planning Commission, and other city agencies. The LPC also sends a Notice of Designation to the property owner and registers the Notice at the City Register's or County Clerk's Office.
If you are able to make it to this hearing, please attend! The hearing will be held at 45 Park Place 681 Park Avenue, Hunter College Assembly Hall, Borough of Manhattan (The entrance is on East 69th Street, between Park Avenue and Lexington Avenue).

Please bring a picture ID for entrance into the building. 

The hearing will start at 2:00p.m. - end at 5:00p.m.

Note: The location for this very controversial hearing has been has been changed several times, this time at the last minute, to cause confusion and lower public participation.

Pamela Geller has suggested that someone wait at the 45 Park Place location to let people know about the change of location to 681 Park Avenue.

Hat tip: Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs and Free Republic.

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