The 3rd Free Health Care Clinic to shame congress, teabaggers, and rightwing media about the American health care crisis. The first was in New Orleans, the second was in Little Rock, this one is in Kansas City. The media is mostly ignoring the shameful health care crisis. Watch the REAL American patriots in these videos, not the "I got mine" selfish teabaggers protesting against health care reform. This is what America is all about, not the teabaggers. Nicole Lamoureux, Executive Director of Natl Assoc. of Free Clinics, is a REAL American hero and patriot! You will love Ed Schultz after seeing this video, Ed says: "Senators, you need to get to one of these free clinics, and if you're not moved, you're not human":
Watch these heartbreaking videos of real Americans without health care. This isn't billionaire Rush Limbaugh, these are real, average, mostly working Americans without health care. More than 10,000 of our fellow Americans a day are losing their health care. Watch these videos, America is better than this!!!
"We're dying slowly", a working American pleads for healthcare - videos and action
The White House, aided by Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), is working hard to crush an amendment being pushed by Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) to allow for the reimportation of pharmaceutical drugs from Canada
2nd bombshell of the afternoon. White House shuts down Senate health care debate in effort to kill drug importation amendment on behalf of Big Pharma
The War on Moron
Was Iceland a Target for Economic Hit Men? - John Perkins
American Casino
In New Orleans, Chaos in the Streets, and in Police Ranks Too
TIME: Army suicides at all time high.
McClatchey video: Bush birth control policies helped fuel Africa's baby boom
Google to limit free news access
If you love great rock blues electric guitar solos, you'll love this one: Humble Pie - "I Wonder" - sounds a little like Led Zeppelin! Steve Marriott on vocals.
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