
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Climate Change Brings Snow to French Riviera

Hat tip to Don Dwinell, who took these photos of Jack Frost's Global Warming's preparations for last year's visit from Pere Noel and his team of reindeer at Antibes, France, on the French Riveria, where freezing days are "practically non-existent." The average November temperature in Antibes is 61F (16C); the average December temp is 57F (14C). Really, there's nothing quite like a palm tree covered with snow. Maybe Santa is planning to relocate from the North Pole to La Cote d'azur.

Don wrote:
I am an American Expat living in Antibes (Nice) France. I live 5 blocks from the beach, and 3 blocks from Port Vabaun, the 2nd largest yacht port in the world. I thought living here, I would escape the ice and snow of my native Cincinnati, Ohio. Boy was I wrong!!!

For video of the event, go here.

Via Watts Up With That? 

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