
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Earth Climate Data: Some Real Stunners

The more that inquiring, knowledgeable minds examine the raw temperature data collected from various points on Planet Earth--and the methods used to collect and analyze that data--the more instances are uncovered of raw data showing decreasing temperatures being manipulated to show increasing temperatures. A couple of real stunners have shown up recently, the first of which is a comparison of the raw data actually collected at Darwin Airport in northern Australia for more than a century and that data after it was "adjusted." The second example is a similar before/after comparison of data collected at the Brisbane Eagle Farm Airport in eastern Australia. If you have even a modest respect for accurate reporting of data, the results of these analyses will make you queasy, guaranteed.

The Darwin Airport Data.  In the graph below, the blue (descending) line plots the raw temperature data collected at Darwin Airport from the early 1880s on. The red (ascending) line shows what happened to that line after the raw data was "adjusted." What certainly looked like a cooling trend has been adjusted to look like a very definite warming trend. To see a brilliant analysis starting with the raw data, go to the posting by Willis Eschenbach at Watts Up With That?

The Brisbane Airport Data. The raw data plotted on a graph shows a cooling trend:

The adjusted data shows a warming trend:

Here's a comparison of the two charts:

Read the whole thing at The Dog Ate My Data.

As AJ Strata at The Strata-Sphere pointed out,
This is why real scientists share their data, algorithms and code for peer review, to ensure there is no crazy fudging of data.
Who knows what really happened in these cases? Bad judgment? Poor math skills? Forcing data to conform to an expected outcome? Zealous misrepresentation to serve the "higher cause" of "saving the planet" from pollution and overpopulation?

Whatever it is, it's not science. And whatever the problem, it's not likely to be solved until it can be named.

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