
Thursday, December 17, 2009

ClimateGate: Cooking the Books, Swiss Edition

ClimateGate has interested many sleuthers in looking at what happened to actual measurements of Earth surface temperatures taken at weather stations after that raw data was "adjusted" or "homogenized" by climate researchers. Lately, I've posted the results of comparisons of raw versus "adjusted" data from New Zealand, Australia, and Antartica. In these cases, the raw data showed far less warming than the same data after climatologists finished fiddling with it, for reasons that don't make much sense when looked at through a lens of logic or of mathematics. In once case, the raw data even showed cooling instead of warming.

Below is a new comparison of raw versus adjusted data for Switzerland, showing the same kind of fishy manipulation. The yellow line shows raw data points collected in Slovakia (Lomnicky Peak Observatory); the green line shows data from Northern Ireland (Armagh Observatory); the blue line shows data from Switzerland (weather station above). All of these raw data show temperatures in pretty close agreement.

However, the red line shows the temperature data points from Switzerland after researchers "adjusted" the data. After adjustment, the warming trend climbed at twice the rate of pre-adjustment warming trend based on actual measurements.

Russian scientists are claiming that the data from Siberia have been cherry picked too. I'm not eager to leap to acceptance of Russian claims about global warming at this point: Russia definitely has an oil production dog in the hunt, after all, but the data from the West has been shockingly adulterated.

Meanwhile, from the "I have the environmentalist dispensation to produce CO2--You don't" department:

Hat tip: Air Vent via Watts Up With That?

Update: And now, from JammieWearingFool (via Instapundit), comes the news that up to 5 planeloads of Washington DC carbon misers will hop over to Copenhagen to share their fiscal and climate expertise with the assembled enviro-saints:
It's bad enough we have to endure the rantings of some anti-capitalist thugs in Copenhagen, but now you're picking up the tab to fly planeloads of more anti-capitalist thugs to Copenhagen.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leading a large delegation on at least two Air Force jets to Copenhagen for the climate summit -- where participants harshly condemn the use of jet airplanes for the high amounts of CO2 they emit.

"This may be the largest congressional delegation I have ever heard of," said a source at the 89th Air Wing stationed at Andrews Air Force Base of the trip to the UN summit, which is increasingly being criticized as a farce.

While the final manifest remained in flux late yesterday, it was said to include more than two dozen members of Congress, several spouses and committee staffers.

Too bad they didn't jet-pool with Al Gore.

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