
Friday, December 18, 2009

Copenhagen Meets Chicago: And the Snow Job Really Starts to Fly

Copenhagen and Chicago are both windy cities, and when it comes to snowfalls, they are pretty evenly matched, although Copenhagen is much the warmer, so that snow doesn't linger. Nevertheless, the Copenhagen snowfall of yesterday was a bit of a special event, since it anticipated the arrival of planeloads of American participants in the global warming group psychosis, including Barack Hussein Obama and his enormous entourage as well as Nancy Pelosi and her retinue of a couple dozen Congress Critters and assorted aides and spouses.

What will this less-than-carbon-frugal assortment of politicians be up to in Copenhagen? Donning sweaters, long underwear, and fingerless gloves and dining on organic oats perhaps?  Of course not. White House Press Secretary Gibbs let on that Obama is after "a political agreement leading to a treaty." In the words of the President, he'll be seeking "a strong operational agreement that will confront the threat of climate change." In other words, he'll give a speech and pose for a group photo with other leaders (hopefully resisting that little impulse to bow from the waist), and, in the Obama administration's glorious tradition of transparancy, whatever deals he makes, we'll be the last to know.

Pelosi says she will be on the lookout for jobs for Americans, green jobs, not the ones that laid-off Americans would like to return to ASAP, but entirely new jobs that don't yet exist and for which no infrastructure has been built. We'll need some kind of jobs to earn money to pay into the $100 billion per annum fund that Hillary Clinton committed us to in order to help the “most vulnerable” adapt to floods and droughts. Floods and droughts, you understand. In other words, the State Department now officially blames natural disasters on developed-world-caused global warming, as though flooding hasn't been around since before Noah and the lush grasslands of North Africa didn't turn into the Sahara Desert without any help from the invention of the steam engine, or even the discovery of fire.

$100 billion a year might seem like a lot to you and me, but in the eyes of the EU, Hillary is a piker. The amount they have in mind is $150 billion per annum. Funny, I'd be happy if the former Senator from New York State would help us "adapt" to our own cold winters using our own fossil fuel resources--at the moment, my upstate New York thermometer reads a toasty 9° F (that's about -13 C for those of you in Copenhagen).

While a modest few inches of the white stuff drifts onto Copenhagen's streets and buildings, the real snow job is taking place in Copenhagen's cosy interiors, where deceptions are flying thick and fast as global greedheads busy themselves divvying up the global warming pie, designing the new electronic carbon credit currency, and laughing their respective ways to the bank. The butt of the joke, of course, are the true believers who are falling for the scam, and--even more side splitting--the unbelievers (global warming deniers) who aren't falling for the scam, but nevertheless, and against their will, are having their names enrolled on the roster of the world's new great eco-religion.

Be on the lookout for that collection plate.

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