
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Copenhagen Countdown: 6 (UPDATED)

Yesterday marked one week before the Dec 7 opening of the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen. Today marks Day 6, and counting.

Things sure are heating up since the apparent whistleblowing of emails and computer code exchanged by the Man-Caused Climate Catastrophe Hockey Team, and of course I am not referring to the surface temperature of Planet Earth.

1. Phil Jones out, temporarily. Phil Jones, director of the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit "is stepping down pending an investigation into allegations that he overstated the case for man-made climate change." (Hat tip: Moe Lane at RedState) Said Jones, "The Review process will have my full support.” Michael "Hockey Stick" Mann will be investigated by Penn State.

2. Containment getting more difficult. Word is out that SUNY Albany has climate-fried egg on its face for investigating a researcher who strayed outside Phil Jones' required boundaries. Queen's University Belfast is being called out for refusal to release its data on the Medieval Warming period. New Zealand's actual temperature history (flat) doesn't match the "climatologists'" chart (alarming).

4. Barack Hussein Obama gave $$$ to Chicago CO2 traders. Illinois State Senator Obama, it has been revealed, directed $1.1 million in charitable donations in 2000 and 2001 to the privately-owned Chicago Climate Exchange, a carbon trading exchange slated to make tons of money from Cap and Tax. The Exchange trades in CO2, the trace gas that is getting blamed for the climate crisis that isn't. (H/t: Nice Deb)

5. EPA officially declares CO2 a threat. On Monday, Obama's Environmental Protection Agency declared CO2 a public health threat, even though animals and people exhale CO2 and plants require it for photosynthesis. More CO2 in the atmosphere equals healthier plants and greater crop yields. (H/t: Nice Deb)

6. CO2 tropical storm prediction a no-show. It turns out that 2009 "was an exceptionally light year for hurricanes and tropical storms," in contrast to predictions of increasing storm activity by Global Warming "gassers."

7. Climate cabal misrepresents glacier-melting estimate by 325 years. An examination of the IPCC's widely published claim that the Himalayan glaciers would be destroyed by global warming by 2035, a mere 25 years from now, revealed that the estimate, arrived at by a Russian researcher, was actually 2335, that is, 325 years from now. Pretty clever, actually. If you can't make it up or cover it up, you can always pretend it was a typo. Is it possible that nobody expects these climate hotshots to actually read primary research? They weren't smart enough to figure out that the Himalayan glaciers might be a little large to melt in 25 years? Here in New York State I have seen snowbanks in a public park that didn't melt until late July. And those snowbanks were put there by snowplows, for pity's sake, and were not the size of mountains! For exposure to a bit of sanity, read this. (H/t: Gathering of Eagles:NY)

Update Australia (12:00 noon): Australia's Senate voted down Australia's version of cap and trade, which would have made Australia one of the first countries to adopt an emissions trading system. The opposition wants to wait at least until the U.S. adopts cap and trade and it becomes "part of the international trading system." The government plans to reintroduce the bill in February. (H/t: Minnesotans for Global Warming)

Update John Stewart (12:15 p.m): Stewart still believes in global warming and the disappearance of polar bears, but he's not too happy with scientists throwing out raw data from the 80s when he still has Penthouse magazines from the 70s. (H/t: Watts Up With That--ClimateGate)

Update IPCC (3:03 p.m.): Hans Labohm, a Dutch economist and member of the IPCC told an EU parliamentary hearing that, "We are told that temperatures and sea levels are rising and the polar caps are melting. That is the bad news. The good news is that none of it is true." Fred Singer of the University of Virginia and former Reagan climate advisor, told the group that "the world is pursuing policies on climate which are irrelevant."



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