
Saturday, December 5, 2009

This Must Not Stand! Support the SEALS

The action taken against these brave, honorable SEALS is indefensible. They have defended Americans, and Americans must defend them.

The text of the video:
March 31, 2004. Four Americans are murdered in Falluja. They are burned alive, dragged through the street. Their bodies are hung from a bridge.

September 3, 2009. Three navy SEALS capture the mastermind of the murders, Ahmed Hashim Abed.

Most wanted terrorist captured. Heroic mission completed.

But then...
The terrorist Abed claimed the SEALS assaulted him and gave him a "fat lip." So what did the US Military do?

They filed charges against the SEALS! And now a court martial is scheduled, even though there was no physical evidence and the Al Queda Manual tells terrorists to lie and "say you were abused" or "tortured" to "use the system against itself."

Trusting the word of a terrorist murderer over our brave men?


Take action. Go to Demand the charges be dropped.

Act now: Hearing is Dec. 7th.

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