Deskripsi tanaman: Terna tahunan, tinggi lebih kurang 1 meter. Batang semu, tegak, lunak, dan warna putih kehijauan. Daun tunggal, bentuk lanset, ujung meruncing, pangkal tumpul. Perbungaan bentuk payung, pangkal mahkota berdekatan membentuk corong, warna putih, putik panjang, warna ungu, kepala sari warna jingga. Buah kotak, bulat telur
Habitat: Tumbuh liar dan sebagai tanaman hias pada daerah tepi tepi sungai yang rindang pada dataran rendah sampai 700 m dpl
BANGLE tanaman bangle banyak sekali manfaatnya sebagai resep herbal :
1. Sakit kuning 2. Demam, sakit kepala 3. Batuk berdahak 4. Perut nyeri, masuk angin 5. Sembelit 6. Sakit Kuning 7. Cacingan} 8. Rheumatism 9. Ramuan jamu pada wanita setelah melahirkan 10.Mengecilkan perut setelah melahirkan 11. Kegemukan Yang dapat digunakan adalah rimpangnya,bangle termassuk tumbuhan berumpun ,berbatang semu,seperti jahe. Sedangka daunnya untuk menambah nafsu makan,mengobati perut terasa penuh.
Nama latin: Zingiber purpureum roxb
Nama daerah: Bangle; Bengle; Banglai
Deskripsi tanaman: Tanaman berbatang semu, seperti jahe, yang tingginya mencapai 1,5 meter dan termasuk tumbuhan berumpun. Rimpang rasanya pedas, pahit dan berbau tidak enak berwarna kuning
Habitat: Tanaman ini dapat tumbuh baik dengan ketinggian 1300 m dpl, dan banyak ditanam dihalaman rumah
Bagian tanaman yang digunakan: Rimpang
Kandungan kimia: Asam organik; Mineral; Lemak; Gom albuminoit; Gula; Damar (pahit); Minyak atsiri (Sineol, pinen, sesquiterpen)
Khasiat: Karminatif; Anti inflamasi; Analgesik; Antipiretik
Nama simplesia: Zingiberis purpurei Rhizoma
Resep tradisional: (Bagian yang dipakai sebagai obat adalah rimpang dan daunnya).
Rimpang :
1. Sakit kuning 2. Demam, sakit kepala 3. Batuk berdahak 4. Perut nyeri, masuk angin 5. Sembelit 6. Sakit Kuning 7. Cacingan} 8. Rheumatism 9. Ramuan jamu pada wanita setelah melahirkan 10.Mengecilkan perut setelah melahirkan 11. Kegemukan
Daun : 1. Kurang nafsu makan 2. Perut terasa penuh
Cara budidaya : Menggunakan rimpang, pemeliharaan mudah dan menghendaki sedikit naungan.
Penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan dan cara penggunaannya.
Nyeri sendi : Rimapng segar secukupnya dicuci, diparut lalu dicampur arak seperti bubur encer, borehkan kebagian yang sakit.
Mengecilkan perut setelah melahirkan : Rimpang secukupnya, cuci lalu parut dan borehkan kebagian perut.
Cacingan : rimpang bengle 3 jari, temu hitam 2 jari, 5 biji ketumbar dan 5 lembar daun sirih, dicuci, diiris lalu ditumbuk. Tambah 1/2 gls air masak, diperas, saring lalu diminum.
Demam, masuk angin : Rimpang segar 15 gr dicuci lalu diparut, tambahkan 1/2 cangkir air panas dan 2 sendok makan madu. Aduk merata lalu peras dan minum 2 x sehari.
Perut mulas : Rimpang bengle, rimpang jahe, kencur dan lempuyang wangi masing masing 1/2 jari tangan dicuci dan diiris. Rebus dengan 1 gls air bersih sampai sisa 1/2 gls, saring dan minum airnya.
Sakit kepala dan demam : Rimpang secukupnya diparut tambah sedikit air sampai menjadi adonan seperti bubur dipakai sebagai pilis didahi.
Sakit kuning : Rimpang bengle 1/2 jari dicuci lalu diparut. Tambah air masak dan madu masing-masing 1 sendok, peras, saring dan minum 2x sehari.
Nama latin: Artemisia vulgaris L Nama daerah: Beunghar kucicing; Jukut lokok mala; Suket gajahan; Goro-goro
Deskripsi tanaman:
Tanaman semak menahun, tinggi 30-90 cm. Batang berkayu, bulat, bercabang, warna putih kotor. Daun tunggal, tersebar berbulu, panjang 8-12 cm, lebar 6-8 cm, pertulangan menyirip, permukaan atas hijau, permukaan bawah keputih-putihan. Bunga majemuk, bentuk malai di ketiak daun dan di ujung batang, kecil, warna cokelat
Tumbuh liar pada ladang dan perkebunan pada daerah ketinggian 500-3000 m dpl
Bagian tanaman: Seluruh bagian tanaman
Kandungan kimia:
Minyak atsiri; Zat pahit artemisin; Kuebrakit; Tauremisin; Sitosterina; Adenina; Tetrakosanol; Ferneol; Stigmasterina; Amirin; Tanin; Resin
Herba baru cina 2 g; Daun poko 3 g; Rimpang teki 3 g; Herba jung rahab 2 g; Air 110 ml, Dibuat infus, diseduh atau dipipis, Diminum 1 kali sehari 100 ml; apabila dipipis diminum 1 kali sehari 1/4 cangkir
Herba baru cina segar 2 g; Daun wungu segar 7 lembar; Herba patikan Cina segar 3 g; Daun duduk 3 g; Herba pegagan segar 1 genggam; Air 110 ml, Dibuat infus, dipipis atau pil, Infus, diminum 1 kali sehari di pagi hari 100 ml. Pipisan, diminum 1 kali sehari 1/4 cangkir. Pil, diminum 3 kali sehari 9 pil
Rematik, Eksem: Herba baru Cina segar 6 g; Rimpang kencur segar 7 g; Rimpang kunyit segar 7 g; Daun ketepeng 4 g; Daun kecubung 3 g; Air secukupnya, Dipipis hinga berbentuk pasta, Dioleskan pada bagian yang sakit
Robot humanoid milik NASA, yang menandai perjalanan luar angkasa pertamanya bersama misi terakhir pesawat ulang alik Discovery Sabtu silam, dilaporkan telah gagal menjalani misinya berjalan di stasiun ruang angkasa atau international space station (ISS).
Demikian dikabarkan NASA usai menerima laporan langsung dari ISS, yang dikutip VIVAnews dari Computer World, Selasa 1 Maret 2011.
Dua astronot NASA, Steve Bowen dan Alvin Drew, baru saja menyudahkan misi ruang angkasanya pada hari Senin ketika robot humanoid itu berhenti bekerja sesampainya di pesawat kubah 7 jendela.
Padahal, astronom membawanya untuk membantu mereka menginstal ekstensi ke pusat listrik (power cable). Para astronot juga memerlukan bantuannya ketika memindahkan modul pompa seberat 800 pound (setara 362 kilogram) untuk sebuah platform eksternal di mana ia akan "menumpang" untuk kembali ke Bumi pada misi selanjutnya. Namun, kedua misi itu gagal dilakukan.
Bowen dan Drew, yang telah menjalani misi ke-200 sebagai astronot, juga dijadwalkan untuk menginstal kamera di rangka eksternal dan membubuhkan dua ekstensi ke trek sepanjang rangka. Namun, misi ini belum diselesaikan.
Pesawat ulang alik milik NASA, Discovery, telah tiba di ISS atau stasiun ruang angkasa, Sabtu 26 Februari 2011. Ini merupakan kali terakhir pesawat berawak itu mengangkut manusia ke luar angkasa sejak Agustus tahun 1984.
Discovery membawa enam awak astronot dalam misi terakhirnya. Dipimpin oleh Steve Lindsay, pesawat yang telah menjalankan 38 misi itu mengangkut pilot Eric Boe, Alvin Drew, Michael Barratt, Nicole Stott, dan Steve Bowen.
Mereka membawa robot yang menyerupai fisik manusia. Bernama Robonaut R2, ia dibuat oleh NASA dan General Motor dalam waktu 15 tahun. Nantinya, ia akan melakukan pekerjaan-pekerajaan yang berisiko tinggi bagi manusia, terutama berjalan di luar angkasa.
It doesn't matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M Just put your paws up 'Cause you were born this way, baby
My mama told me when I was young We're all born superstars She rolled my hair, put my lipstick on In the glass of her boudoir
"There's nothin' wrong with lovin' who you are" She said, "'Cause He made you perfect, babe" "So hold your head up, girl and you you'll go far, Listen to me when I say"
I'm beautiful in my way, 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret, Just love yourself and you're set I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way (Born this way)
Ooo, there ain't no other way Baby, I was born this way Baby, I was born this way (Born this way) Ooo, there ain't other way Baby, I was born this way I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way
Don't be a drag, just be a queen Don't be a drag, just be a queen Don't be a drag, just be a queen Don't be!
Give yourself prudence and love your friends Subway kid, rejoice the truth In the religion of the insecure I must be myself, respect my youth
A different lover is not a sin Believe capital H-I-M (hey, hey, hey) I love my life, I love this record and Mi amore vole fe yah
I'm beautiful in my way, 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret, Just love yourself and you're set I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way
Ooo, there ain't no other way
Baby, I was born this way Baby, I was born this way (Born this way ) Ooo, there ain't other way Baby, I was born way I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way
( Queen , Don't be , Queen )
Don't be a drag, just be a queen Whether you're broke or evergreen You're black, white, beige, chola descent You're Lebanese, you're orient Whether life's disabilities Left you outcast, bullied or teased Rejoice and love yourself today 'Cause baby, you were born this way
No matter gay, straight or bi lesbian, transgendered life I'm on the right track, baby I was born to survive No matter black, white or beige chola or orient made I'm on the right track, baby I was born to be brave
I'm beautiful in my way 'Cause God makes no mistakes I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret, Just love yourself and you're set I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way, yeah!
Ooo, there ain't no other way Baby, I was born this way Baby, I was born this way (Born this way ) Ooo, there ain't other way Baby, I was born this way I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way
I was born this way, hey! I was born this way, hey! I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way, hey!
I was born this way, hey! I was born this way, hey! I'm on the right track, baby I was born this way, hey!
There is no single who is Dr. Right for everyone, and you may need to hunt patiently and persistently for the doctor who is right for you, depending upon your temperament, personality, and perhaps age and sex. Different patients have different expectations- some need to be told what to do while others want all their questions answered. Obviously, they will need different types of doctors. Most people invest a lot of brain power and analytical skills deciding which shares or stocks to buy, but doing in - depth research for finding the right doctor is likely to pay much better dividends for you and your family!
Egyptian troops shooting as they advance on the Monastery of St. Bishoy
Last week, an ancient Coptic Orthodox monastery sitting in the middle of an Egyptian desert was attacked by the Egyptian army. Two unarmed monks were shot, one wounded very seriously; six unarmed young Coptic workers who had been building a wall intended to protect the monastery and its occupants from the lawlessness of the January 25 uprising also were shot, one wounded very seriously.
The Egyptian army blamed the attack on the wall: it shouldn't be there, they maintained, and to support their case against the unarmed monks and workers, they brought in a bulldozer supported by five tanks, armored vehicles, and armed troops to knock it down. As the wall fell, the troops yelled "Allahu Akbar"; as they entered the monastery grounds, Coptic monks, who had been fleeing for their lives, stood and chanted, "Kyrie eleison," an ancient Greek prayer that translates to "Lord, have mercy." Some monks were arrested, and there are reports that the injured were not permitted to be transported to a hospital. The tanks, it should be noted, were paid for by U.S. taxpayers.
Egyptian soldiers stand over rubble created by tanks and bulldozers
The monastery in question, the Monastery of St. Bishoy, stands in the Ascetics (Scetes) Desert, named for the early Christian hermits and monks who lived there in stoic self-discipline. Hundreds of years before Islam was founded, this region was home to a number of hermit saints, the most famous of whom in the West was St. Augustine, the enormously influential author of City of God. On this soil, the first Christian monasteries were founded, and, on this ground, the Holy Family rested in their flight from a Roman slaughter of innocent babies into an Egypt far more welcoming of Christ than the Egypt of today.
Coptic icon of St. Bishoy (320-417 A.D.)
It is difficult for most Westerners to imagine the monks who venerate St. Bishoy as threats. St. Bishoy, who is known to the Coptic Orthodox faithful as the Star of the Desert, was a fourth-century hermit-monk whose virtues of simplicity, wisdom, self-denial, prayerfulness, and kindness attracted a group of Christian monks who gathered around him and considered him their spiritual father. Tradition holds that Christ appeared to the gentle monk more than once as a stranger to whom Bishoy offered aid. The monks at St. Bishoy have carried on their tradition for 1650 years and, to this day, St. Bishoy's remains are preserved in a chapel at the monastery.
Attacks on the monasteries of St. Macarios of Alexandria and of Saint Paul also have been reported, as well as the demolition of a Coptic church in Tahta. There are reports of torture of priests and monks who have been arrested. A Coptic Orthodox priest recently was stabbed to death by a group of thieves reportedly overheard to be repeating "Allahu Akbar."
It is easy for some Americans to imagine that such reports are inaccurate or that some other motivation besides antagonism toward Christianity by Muslims lies behind these attacks.
When considering those possibilities, it bears keeping in mind that, although 10% of Egypt's population is Christian, 80% of the people who emigrate from Egypt are Christian. That statistic does not argue well for tolerance of Christians in mostly Muslim Egypt.
Hat tip to Atlas Shrugs and Jihad Watch, where cell-phone video of the attack on the Monastery of St. Bishoy is posted. __________
Next week (We. March 2nd) elections in the Netherlands: the provences and indirectly the senate. Unsure if the right-wing populist government will get a majority. So it's about time to give them some help! Rebel clowns started a promotion campaign for the CDAPVVD, the 3 in 1 party responsible for loads of measures coming our way. The Hague was the place to be!
Saturday, Febr. 26th: it should be the most exciting campaign day before the elections: it wasn't... It was raining and we were in the Hague. We started 11.00 o'clock our clownpaign tour in the Vlamingstraat and Spuistraat: a boring shopping area. There we met our first colleagues from the Christendemocrats CDA, had a nice chat with them and went further in the direction of the Hofvijverweg - because we had 1 big desire: meeting our dearest friends of the rightwing liberal party VVD and especially Ivo! Ivo who? Ivo Opstelten, the minister of Security and Justice! Wowww; he's a hell of a campaigner! It was raining and VVD and clowns have 1 very important thing in common: they don't like rain!! So we spent hours together in the indoor shopping streets the Passage.
And that was fun! Ivo wasn't alone; he had company of several other VVD-campaigners. They had their flyers. We had our flyers. For sure we spread more flyers than them! Competition is a clown liberal principle!
We had a great flyer with a fantastic heading "The Blond Parties want your vote" with a picture of prime-minister Rutte (VVD) and minister Verhagen (CDA). Both with a Wilders (PVV) wig. And a text in Dutch with 12 important points like for example: "All non-Dutch animals should leave the country: the highland cows back to Scotland, elefants to Africa and hamsters to Asia!" "Less nature (all trees look the same) and more asphalt!" "No money, no masters degree: let the elite be educated!" "More Dutch troops, police and animal cops to Afghanistan! And 10 billion for JSF-fighters!"
To be honoust: our beloved friend Ivo didn't do much. He talked very, very long with people he already knew and several times he enjoyed the terrace seats. In the meantime we continued leafleting and tried to convince people how wonderfoool the blond parties are doing their thing. Not everyone agreed. Some people made statements they don't want to be in touch at all with Wilders and the other blond parties.
And there were also some PVV-fans who thought we were making fun of Wilders and showed their middle finger. One of our clowns was pushed by a PVV-fan. But loads of people accepted the flyers with a smile. Some of them even asked for more to spread at home! What else could you wish during a CDAPVVD clownpaign tour?!
Finally we accepted the rain should take hours and left the indoor area. Walked around the Binnenhof, city hall and other shopping streets. Had contact with campaigners from other parties, but most of all with many very nice people from the Hague. After more than 4 hrs of clownpaigning all our flyers were gone. Time for a break, time for a beer!
Thursday 13th of January the commission of General Affairs and Finances of the city counsel of Amsterdam discussed the recently squatted houses on the Ten Katestraat and the Muntplein. The inhabitants of the Ten Katestraat addressed the commission in the 3 minutes of speaking time and told the story of their houses. A discussion between the VVD on one side and the other parties on the other followed. After that mayor Van der Laan shared some concluding remarks. The highlights of all this have been compiled in this video: For your enjoyment, and in case you ever need to quote someone. (sorry video in dutch only, no subs)
Freedom Flotilla 2 statement (Madrid, februari 2011)
Madrid, 7 February
The city of Madrid (Spain) hosted on 4th, 5th and 6th February 2011 the meeting of delegates from different organizations that comprise the International Coalition of the Freedom Flotilla II. The meeting, organized by the host delegation Rumbo a Gaza, was attended by delegates from Algeria, Canada, Scotland, Spain, France, Greece, Holland, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. Also, in the course of the meeting, updates were received about the work of organizations in Germany, Australia, Belgium and Denmark.
The organizations gathered in Madrid reiterated our strongest condemnation and rejection of systematic aggression that the State of Israel has inflicted on the Palestinian people for over 60 years and its continued violations of international law. We also denounce the passivity, if not outright complicity of our governments to actions that constitute a crime against humanity.
The Gaza Strip has become a symbol of the systematic and planned aggression against the entire Palestinian people. For almost five years, over a million and half people have been subjected to a criminal and illegal blockade, a medieval siege in which the State of Israel has become the master of life and death for the people of Gaza. This collective punishment combined with devastating military attacks launched by Israel's army on the defenseless population of the Gaza Strip: 500 killed in Operation Summer Rains 2006, more than 1,400 killed in Operation Cast Lead December 2008 and January 2009, more than 80 killed in 2010 during various other assaults.
Gaza is a territory intentionally reduced to misery. 80% of its inhabitants depend on humanitarian aid for food, 70% of households live on less than one euro per day for each of its members, over 40% of the population is unemployed. The State of Israel has kidnapped people physically as well as kidnapping their rights, their dreams and hopes as they have been doing for more than 60 years.
Because of the silence and inaction of our governments to these crimes against humanity, the international civil society campaign has grown since 2008 when the siege was broken for the first time by two small boats and last year the first Freedom Flotilla was launched. A well known fact, the Israeli army attacked this Flotilla in international waters, in what constituted a flagrant violation of international shipping laws, murdering nine activists, injuring 50 others, kidnapping everyone on board, and hijacking the boats.
More determined than ever to break and end the blockade, the Coalition announced today that during the second half of May 2011 Freedom Flotilla II will sail. To this end there will be at least twice as many boats carrying many more volunteers and more aid. The expedition will sail in order to force Israel to respect international law and to mobilize civil societies' support and solidarity with the Palestinian population of Gaza as well as bring attention to the wider issue of the host of human rights abuses carried out by the Israeli state against the entire population of Palestine.
We are closely following the big change that is being brought in Tunisia, Egypt and the wider Arab world by the emergence of civil societies' demand for true democracy, social justice, freedom and respect of human rights. The long Palestinian struggle against occupation and violence deserves the support of the international community. Freedom Flotilla II integrate its action into that large movement focusing on breaking and ending the siege in Gaza. Palestinian people and historically, Mediterranean Sea people, have the same rights on their territory, territorial waters and air space. Therefore our expedition, Freedom Flotilla II, has become more important and necessary than ever.
We will sail to Gaza until Palestine is free!
International Coalition of the Freedom Flotilla II
Spirit Of Squatters Collective
Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action (like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!!
Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us !
Spirit Of Squatters Collective is always trying to report and support good things what are happening around us. We trying at least one time a week show You some news. Our goal is to do it daily but 1st we can not be everywhere and 2nd We don't have enough time mainly to edit ( there are many projects waiting for their time...) That's why we waiting for You to help us support good things with our video channel and with creating independent media.
and that's few words from our pages:
With our activities we want to make this world a better place.Reclaim the media with us.Feel free to use our videos.Now all up to you !!!Real life is beginning when you turn off the tv, computer. See you on the streets in actions !!!
If You think its important and good what we are doing You can donate what can help us to find more time to improve our activity. Click here:
To crush the ones below Or all the ones that you fear most And you call this crowd control Well let me break it down for ya
The fire in your veins is just a joke you tell yourself Another way to cut the cost to hide your face from all the guilt And is a shame you had to say you had to kill to gain control But at least you made some money, hey let the good times roll
Its your dream to be the king of all creation
As far as im concerned you hung you shadow on the wall And though your fingers never really pulled the trigger Your hands are just as guilty your the one who brought the blood
Again you lash out to hush the ones who know Cause they’re the ones that you fear most And it’s called damage control Well let me break it down for ya
I saw my daddy cry And cursed at the wind He broke his own heart And i watched As he tried to re-assemble it
And my momma swore that she would never let herself forget And that was the day that I promised I’d never sing of love If it does not exist
But darlin’, You, are, the only exception But, you, are, the only exception But, you, are, the only exception You, are, the only exception
Maybe i know, somewhere Deep in my soul That love never lasts And we’ve got to find other ways To make it alone Or keep a straight face
And i’ve always lived like this Keeping it comfortable, distance, and up until now I’d sworn to myself that I’m content With loneliness Because none of it was ever worth the risk, but…
You, are, the only exception You, are, the only exception You, are, the only exception You, are, the only exception
I’ve got a tight grip on reality But I can’t let go of what’s in front of me here I know you’re leaving in the morning, when you wake up Leave me with some kind of proof it’s not a dream
You, are, the only exception You, are, the only exception You, are, the only exception You, are, the only exception You, are, the only exception You, are, the only exception You, are, the only exception You, are, the only exception
And I’m on my way to believing. Oh, And I’m on my way to believing.
Can’t believe the fit I just threw Stupid Wanted the reaction
I remember the words How I said them, so they would hurt But then, I regret my actions
If I could press rewind Rewind the take Redefine the line We make mistakes Take it back in time, Just one day … hey
So all I need is a time machine A one way track cause I’m taking it back, taking it back All I want is a DeLorean If I could go just like that I’ll be taking it back, taking it back
Yeah who’s laughing now? Didn’t think you’d actually go Stupid Me and all my bitching
Second thoughts and regrets gonna alter leading your sets but then This ain’t science fiction
If I could press rewind Rewind the take Redefine the line We make mistakes Take it back in time, Just one day … hey
So all I need is a time machine A one way track cause I’m taking it back, taking it back All I want is a DeLorean If I could go just like that I’ll be taking it back, taking it back
So all I need is a time machine A one way track cause I’m taking it back, taking it back All I want is a DeLorean If I could go just like that I’ll be taking it back, taking it back
Jika seorang wanita aktif secara seksual dan dia subur - fisik dapat menjadi hamil - "?
Apakah saya ingin menjadi hamil sekarang" dia perlu bertanya sendiri, ?
Jika jawabannya adalah "Tidak," dia harus menggunakan beberapa metode pengendalian kelahiran (kontrasepsi) atau KB.
Jika seorang wanita tidak ingin hamil pada saat ini dalam hidupnya, apakah dia berencana untuk menjadi hamil di masa depan? yang akan datang? Pernah?
Jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan dapat menentukan metode pengendalian kelahiran bahwa ia dan laki-laki pasangannya menggunakan seksual - sekarang dan di masa depan.
Ada sejumlah cara yang berbeda untuk menggambarkan pengendalian kelahiran. Persyaratan meliputi kontrasepsi / KB, kehamilan pencegahan, pengendalian kesuburan, dan keluarga berencana.
Tapi tak peduli apa proses ini disebut, secara seksual orang yang aktif dapat memilih dari sejumlah besar metode untuk mengurangi kemungkinan mereka hamil.
Namun demikian, tidak ada metode pengendalian kelahiran yang tersedia saat ini menawarkan perlindungan sempurna terhadap infeksi menular seksual pada wanita , dan infeksi menular seksual pada laki-laki (penyakit menular seksual, atau PMS), kecuali pantang.
Diperkirakan bahwa ada lebih dari tiga juta kehamilan yang tidak direncanakan setiap tahun di Indonesia
Setengah dari kehamilan yang tidak direncanakan terjadi karena pasangan tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi /KB sama sekali, dan setengah lainnya terjadi karena pasangan menggunakan kontrol kelahiran, tetapi tidak benar.
Secara sederhana, semua metode pengendalian kelahiran didasarkan pada baik mencegah sperma seorang pria dari mencapai dan memasuki telur wanita (pembuahan) atau mencegah sel telur yang dibuahi dari menanamkan di dalam rahim wanita (rahim) dan mulai tumbuh.
Metode pengendalian kelahiran dapat reversibel atau permanen.
Pengendalian kelahiran Reversible berarti bahwa metode tersebut dapat dihentikan pada dasarnya setiap saat tanpa-jangka efek panjang pada kesuburan (kemampuan untuk menjadi hamil).
Pengendalian kelahiran Permanen biasanya berarti bahwa metode tersebut tidak dapat dibatalkan atau terbalik, kemungkinan besar karena melibatkan operasi.
Contoh metode permanen Termasuk vasektomi untuk pria atau ligasi tuba untuk wanita.
Metode pengendalian kelahiran juga dapat diklasifikasikan menurut apakah mereka adalah metode penghalang (misalnya, sebuah kondom ) yang menghalangi sperma, metode mekanik (misalnya, sebuah alat kontrasepsi [IUD]), atau metode hormonal (misalnya, yang "pil" ).
Alam" metode tidak bergantung pada perangkat atau hormon namun pada mengamati beberapa aspek fisiologi Tubuh seorang wanita untuk mencegah pembuahan.
Tanggung jawab langsung untuk sebagian besar metode pengendalian kelahiran yang saat ini tersedia di tangan perempuan itu.
Masukan dari seorang praktisi kesehatan kadang-kadang mungkin penting dalam memilih kontrol kelahiran yang tepat.
Metode pengendalian kelahiran baru sedang dikembangkan dan diuji sepanjang waktu. Dan apa yang tepat untuk pasangan pada satu titik dapat berubah seiring dengan waktu dan keadaan.
Sayangnya, tidak ada metode kontrol kelahiran / KB, kurang 100% efektif.
Secara umum, kram menstruasi seorang wanita tidak memperburuk selama hidupnya.Bahkan, kram menstruasi dismenore primer biasanya berkurang dengan umur dan setelah kehamilan.
Hal ini diduga disebabkan oleh fakta bahwa saraf rahim merosot dengan usia dan menghilang di akhir kehamilan, dengan hanya sebagian dari saraf regenerasi setelah melahirkan.
Ketika ada dismenore sekunder dengan kondisi yang mendasari berkontribusi rasa sakit, prognosis tergantung pada kondisi perawatan yang sukses itu.
Sebagai perempuan telah belajar lebih banyak tentang tubuh mereka dan cara mempertahankan mereka dalam kesehatan yang optimal, kram menstruasi telah menjadi kurang dari penyakit yang melemahkan, dan lebih sering, hanya sebuah ketidaknyamanan bulanan kecil.
Setiap bulan, lapisan dalam rahim (endometrium) menumpuk dalam persiapan untuk kemungkinan kehamilan .
Setelah ovulasi, jika telur tidak dibuahi oleh sperma, kehamilan tidak akan mengakibatkan dan lapisan rahim saat ini tidak lagi diperlukan.
Estrogen wanita itu dan penurunan hormon progesteron, dan lapisan rahim menjadi bengkak dan akhirnya gudang sebagai aliran menstruasi dan digantikan oleh lapisan baru dalam siklus bulanan berikutnya.
Ketika lapisan rahim tua mulai memecah, senyawa molekuler yang disebut prostaglandin dilepaskan.
Senyawa ini menyebabkan otot-otot rahim berkontraksi. Ketika kontrak otot rahim, mereka menyempitkan pasokan darah (vasokonstriksi) untuk endometrium.
Ini blok kontraksi pengiriman oksigen ke jaringan dari endometrium yang, pada gilirannya, rusak dan mati.
Setelah kematian jaringan ini, kontraksi uterus harfiah memeras jaringan endometrium tua melalui leher rahim dan keluar dari tubuh dengan cara vagina.
Zat lain yang dikenal sebagai leukotrien, yang merupakan bahan kimia yang berperan dalam respon inflamasi, juga meningkat pada saat ini dan mungkin berhubungan dengan pengembangan kram menstruasi.
Kram menstruasi disebabkan oleh kontraksi uterus yang terjadi sebagai tanggapan terhadap prostaglandin dan bahan kimia lainnya.
Sensasi kram diintensifkan ketika bekuan atau potongan jaringan berdarah dari lapisan rahim melewati leher rahim, terutama jika saluran leher rahim wanita adalah sempit.
Perbedaan antara kram menstruasi yang lebih menyakitkan dan mereka yang kurang menyakitkan mungkin berkaitan dengan tingkat prostaglandin wanita.
Perempuan dengan kram menstruasi mengalami peningkatan kadar prostaglandin di endometrium (lapisan rahim) bila dibandingkan dengan wanita yang tidak mengalami kram.
Kram menstruasi sangat mirip dengan wanita hamil pengalaman ketika ia diberikan prostaglandin sebagai obat untuk menginduksi persalinan.
Kram menstruasi adalah nyeri dalam (perut) perut dan daerah panggul yang dialami oleh perempuan sebagai akibat dari periode menstruasi.
Kram menstruasi yang tidak sama dengan ketidaknyamanan yang dirasakan selama premenstrual syndrome (PMS), meskipun gejala-gejala dari kedua gangguan kadang-kadang dapat dialami sebagai proses berkelanjutan.
Banyak perempuan menderita dari kedua PMS dan kram menstruasi.
Menstrual cramps can range from mild to quite severe. kram menstruasi dapat berkisar dari ringan sampai cukup parah.
Kram menstruasi ringan mungkin hampir tidak terlihat dan durasinya terlalu singkat - kadang-kadang merasa seperti rasa berat ringan di perut.
Parah kram menstruasi bisa begitu menyakitkan bahwa mereka mengganggu aktivitas rutin seorang wanita selama beberapa hari.
Bagaimana Secara umum kram menstruasi?
Kram menstruasi dari beberapa derajat mempengaruhi lebih dari diperkirakan 50% perempuan, dan di antara ini, sampai dengan 15% akan menjelaskan kram menstruasi mereka sebagai parah.
Survei gadis remaja menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 90% dari perempuan melaporkan mengalami kram menstruasi.
Apa itu dismenore?
Istilah medis untuk kram menstruasi adalah dismenore.
Ada dua jenis dismenore, primer dan sekunder.
Pada dismenorea primer, tidak ada masalah ginekologi yang mendasari menyebabkan rasa sakit.
Jenis kram dapat dimulai dalam enam bulan sampai satu tahun setelah menarche (awal haid ), saat seorang gadis mulai mengalami periode menstruasi.
Kram menstruasi biasanya tidak dimulai sampai siklus menstruasi ovulasi (saat sel telur dilepaskan dari ovarium) terjadi, dan perdarahan haid aktual biasanya dimulai sebelum timbulnya
Oleh karena itu, gadis remaja mungkin tidak mengalami dismenore sampai bulan sampai tahun setelah onset menstruasi.
Dalam dismenore sekunder, beberapa kondisi abnormal yang mendasari (biasanya melibatkan sistem reproduksi wanita) berkontribusi pada nyeri haid.
Dismenore sekunder dapat terlihat pada menarche tetapi, lebih sering, kondisi berkembang kemudian.
This video is a feedback by Mr.Nasir Mahmood on Why he likes to give talks at HELP Library.
At HELP, we organize talks everyday by doctors/specialists on different health related topics, issues. These talks are recorded and uploaded on our website, youtube, facebook, orkut, twitter.
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This video is a feedback by one of our readers on the HELP TALK - Understanding Sujok by Tri-Origin Theory by Mr.Nasir Mahmood conducted on 26th Feb, 11. For more details log in to our website
Mari pergi kepasar dan mencari semua bahan-bahannya. Kalau sudah lengkap bahan -bahannya mari bersama-sama terus langsung membuatnya, setelah selesai buat, lalu diberikan kepada si Baby tersayangny makan dengan lahapnya.
Bubur ini rasanya enak, gurih dan khas, jadi bayi sangat suka rasanya. Dari berbagai bahan yang bergizi membuat bayi sehat jadi bagus untuk Menu makanan bayi. Bagi ibu yang masih punya bayi tak usah bingung-bingung untuk membuatkan menu anak yang bernutri lengkap dan sehat, bikinin aja bubur saring spesial bayi.
Bahan-bahan membuat bubur sari hati spesial bayi :
* 1 sdm beras merah, rendam dalam air * 50 g kacang hijau, rendam selama 4 jam * 500 ml kaldu daging * 50 g wortel, kupas, iris dadu * 50 g hati ayam, rebus, potong dadu * 50 ml santan
Cara Membuat bubur saring hati spesial bayi :
Rebus kacang hijau dengan 300 cc air sampai mendidih, kemudian angkat dan saring.
Rebus kembali kacang hijau dengan 200 cc air sampai kacang hijau lunak, lalu haluskan dan saring.
Rebus beras merah dengan 300 cc air rebusan kacang hijau sampai matang. Masukkan hati, santan, wortel, dan kacang hijau.
Setelah bubur tersebut dingin, masukkan ke dalam blender, haluskan hingga lembut.
Sajikan bubur saring spesial bayi ketika masih hangat atau simpan dalam lemari es. Sebelum disajikan, rendam wadahnya dalam air panas lebih dahulu
Bayi diusia 6 sampai 11 bulan biasanya kemampuan untuk mengenal makanan meningkat.Sebagai ibu harus membuat menu BALITA yang berfariasi sehingga perlu ibu ketahui dan perhatikan diusia tersebut, karena diusia tersebut bisa menentukan anak untuk tidak pilih-pilih makanan diusia selanjutnya. Perkenalkan bayi pada beragam makanan untuk menghindari perilaku picky eater (pilih-pilih makanan) di tahap usia selanjutnya. Tingkatkan kepadatan makanannya secara bertahap dan bervariasi untuk menjaga kejenuhan si anak, kalau bisa rangsang selera makan anak agar meningkat, paling tidak pertahankan selera makannya.
Berikan lebih banyak pilihan buah yang lunak-lunak dulu , seperti pisang manis, pepaya,jus apel merah,sayur bening tanpa penyedap rasa yang di blender dll......
Untuk perkenalan coba dulu 1-2 porsi dalam sehari.
Untuk melihat tanda-tanda kemungkinan timbulnya alergi makanan, cobalah berikan satu bahan makanan tertentu sebanyak 3 sampai 5 kali. Kemudian, lihatlah reaksinya. Tanda-tanda alergi antara lain dapat berupa ruam kemerahan, muntah, atau buang air berlebihan. Berikut adalah menu bayi yang sehat komplit dengan resepnya. Yaitu bubur bayi ayam bayam merah. jangan lupa juga pada artikel saya tulis di resep herbal manfaat dan khasiat bayam merah....
* 70 gr beras merah * 500 cc kaldu ayam sayuran (lihat resep kaldu ayam sayuran) * 50 gr daging ayam, potong dadu * 50 gr wortel, kupas, potong dadu * 50 gr bayam merah, cincang kasar * 2 sdt margarin
Cara Membuat bubur ayam bayam merah :
1. Masukkan beras dan ayam ke dalam kaldu ayam sayuran, masak sampai lunak. Kemudian masukkan wortel dan teruskan merebus. 2. Tambahkan bayam, garam, dan margarin, rebus selama kurang lebih 3 menit. Angkat. 3. Masukkan ke dalam blender, kemudian blender sampai haluskan. 4. Tuangkan ke dalam wadah, dinginkan, bila sudah dingin bubur siap disajikan.
* 4 bh wortel * 10 lbr daun bayam * 2 tgk selederi * 1/2 ruas jari jahe * 100 ml air jeruk manis
Cara Membuat Jus yamtel :
1. Masukkan semua bahan dalam blender, haluskan, kemudian tuang dalam gelas. 2. Sajikan segera.
Untuk 2 porsi.
Nilai gizi per porsi: Energi: 105 Kalori Protein: 3.9 gram Lemak: 0.7 gram Karbohidrat: 20.6 gram
Resep Penderita Alergi JUS SEGAR Bahan Membuat Jus SEGAR
* 250 g wortel, kupas * 350 g daging melon * 350 g daging semangka * 300 g apel, lumuri air jeruk nipis * 2 bh jeruk peras manis (jeruk mandarin), peras
Cara Membuat Jus SEGAR
1. Proses semua buah (kecuali jeruk) dalam juicer, haluskan hingga menjadi jus. 2. Tuang dalam wadah, campurkan air jeruk, aduk rata. Simpan dalam lemari es. Sajikan dingin.
Untuk 4 porsi
Nilai gizi per porsi: Energi: 130 Kal Protein: 2,1 g Lemak: 0,9 g Karbohidrat: 31,9 g
Tips membuat puding,Puding sangat gampang dan mudah di buat,Berikut tips sederhana supaya puding yang kita buat sukses dan cantik tentunya :
Selalu memperhatikan jumlah ukuran air, setiap satu paks agar-agar biasanya 7 gr dan memerlukan 600 ml cairan. kelebihan air akan menyebabkan puding lembek sedangkan kurang cairan akan menyebabkan puding keras. cairan disini adalah semua cairan yang dipakai, termasuk air, susu, jus atau cairan lainya.
Basahi cetakan puding dengan air matang sebelum digunakan untuka mencetak agar puding lebih mudah dilepaskan.
Merebus susu dan santan untuk puding harus terus menggunakan api sedang dan terus diaduk agar tidak pecah/menggumpal.
Gunakan gula pasir yang berwarna putih agar puding tidak keruh.
bahan aroma seperti vanili, rum, esen buah atau pasta pandan sebaiknya ditambahkan terakhir kali sesaat sebelum adonan diangkat dari perapian agar aroma tidak menguap.
Bahan yang kerap digunakan untuk membuat puding adalah agar-agar atau gelatin. Ada 2 macam bentuk agar-agar yaitu yang berbentuk batangan atau bubuk. Dalam pemakaiannya bentuk bubuk lebih praktis.
Basahi dulu cetakan yang akan digunakan agar puding mudah saat dikeluarkan.
Untuk puding yang berlapis-lapis, tunggu hingga lapisannya agak mengeras baru ditambah dengan lapisan lain. Tetapi jangan menunggu lapisan terlalu keras, karena kalau terlalu keras, lapisan berikutnya tak akan melekat.
Jika puding telanjur mengeras sebelum dituang ke cetakan, cairkan lagi di atas api sedang dengan menambah sedikit air
Tips Membuat Puding Buah
tips membuat puding buahTidak semua anak suka makan buah. Sebagian besar keluhan para ibu justru anaknya emoh makan buah. Padahal menyantap buah setiap hari wajib hukumnya. Karena itu kalau anak Anda tidak mau makan buah, siasati kehadiran buah dalam aneka penganan kesukaannya. Salah satunya tentu dalam puding buah yang lezat.
Selain itu, kehadiran buah dalam puding membuat puding kaya rasa. Puding bertambah segar, baik dalam rasa maupun penampilan. Dan karena buah umumnya beraroma khas, maka puding Anda pun jadi kaya aroma. Kalau mau ditambah aromanya, Anda masih bisa membubuhi esens buah yang dimasak.
Buah yang dijadikan puding, bisa hanya diambil sarinya, yakni dengan cara diblender lebih dahulu, bisa juga cuma dipotong-potong atau dicincang kasar. Tentu bila anak Anda tak suka buah, puding yang memperlihatkan potongan buah sebaiknya dihindari. Setelah diblender buah bisa langsung dicampur air atau susu, agar-agar, dan bahan lainnya dijadikan puding.
Khusus untuk puding advokad, hati-hatilah dalam memilih buahnya. Pastikan buah sudah cukup matang. Advokad yang sedikit mentah saja, sudah menghasilkan puding yang pahit. Keruk daging buahnya betul-betul yang berwarna kuning terang. Sedikit saja berikut bagian yang hijau, pahitlah seluruh adonan puding Anda.
Buah tak harus hanya ditambahkan dalam puding. Dijadikan saus pun, oke, kok. Puding yang pahit, macam puding cokelat sungguh pas disajikan dengan aneka saus buah. Begitu juga puding yang kaya susu. Rasa pahit dan gurih sungguh pas bersanding dengan sari buah. Hampir semua buah yang berair cocok dijadikan saus puding. Jeruk, nanas, atau apel, boleh Anda coba. Nah, tunggu apalagi. Mari kita coba membuatnya
Apel merupakan buah yang sangat bagus untuk bayi. Berikut ada sedikit rahasia dibalik buah apel : Apel kaya akan serat, fitokimia dan flavonoid. Fitokimia dalam apel berfungsi sebagai zat anti oksidan yg dapat melawan kolesterol jahat (LDL< Low Density Lipoprotein) yg potensial menyumbat pembuluh darah dalam tubuh.
Pada saat bersamaan anti oksidan akan meningkatkan kadar kolesterol baik (HDL, High Density Lipoprotein) yg bermanfaat untuk mencegah terjadinya penyakit jantung koroner. Sedangkan zat flvonoid merupakan yg dapat mengurangi resiko terkena radikal bebas yg menyebabkan penyakit kanker.
Apel biskuit ini rasanya enak, khas rasa buahnya, rasa yang disukai anak-anak. Jika bayi anda suka ngemil apel biskuit ini bisa jadi fariasi menu sehari-hari jadi bayi anda akan tetap terus berselera makan dan tak ada rasa bosan untuk makan.
Buah Apel
Bahan-bahan membuat apel biskuit baby:
* 1 buah apel manis, kupas, cincang * 1/8 sdt kayu manis bubuk * 4 keping biskuit * 1 sdm air * 150 ml air panas * 1 butir telur * 50 gram gula pasir * 3 sdm susu formula bubuk
Cara membuat apel biskuit baby
Masukkan apel, lalu kayu manis dan air ke dalam panci yang telah disediakan, kemudian rebus sampai apel lunak di atas api kecil selama 5 menit.
Siapkan 2 cetakan kecil yang tahan panas ukuran 200 ml, olesi margarin.
Letakkan 2 keping biskuit di dasar masing-masing cetakan tersebut, lalu tutup dengan apel yang telah direbus.
Larutkan 150 ml air panas dengan telur kocok dan gula pasir ke dalam mangkuk yang telah disiapkan, kemudian aduk rata lalu tuang ke dalam cetakan yang berisi apel tersebut.
Rendam cetakan tersebut apel dalam pinggan yang lebih besar berisi air setinggi setengah cetakan apel.
Panggang selama kurang lebih 20 menit sampai matang.
The prostate gland is about the size of a walnut and is shaped like a doughnut. It sits underneath the bladder and surrounds the top part of the urethra; the tube which urine passes through on its way from the bladder to the penis.
The prostate gland produces a milky, slightly acidic fluid that is secreted into the urethra and helps keep the sperm alive and moving. This fluid from the prostate makes up about half of the fluid that is ejaculated. cross section of the prostate gland
Prostate growth
The prostate is found deep within the pelvis and is difficult to examine except through the rectum.
The close location of the prostate around the urethra means that any enlargement of the gland can narrow the outflow from the bladder. If the prostate grows too large, it may slow or even stop the flow of urine.
At puberty, when testosterone levels in boys start to increase, the prostate grows about eight times in size. It continues to grow, doubling in size between 21 and 50 years and almost doubling again between 50 and 80 years. The reasons for this ongoing increase are not fully understood. prostate growth
What is prostate disease?
Prostate disease is a term used to describe several common prostate problems including:
* Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland, sometimes because of infection; * Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or Hypertrophy (BPH) - non-cancerous enlargement or growth of the prostate gland; * Prostate cancer.
Only prostate cancer and the uncommon acute form of bacterial prostatitis (ABP) are considered life-threatening. However, both inflammation and enlargement of the prostate can be painful and can have a major effect on man’s quality of life.
Prostatitis is a general term that refers to any inflammation or swelling of the prostate gland. It may or may not be associated with an infection within the prostate gland.
It has been estimated that about one in every six men may experience prostatitis some time during their lives1. Prostatitis can occur at any age in the male population, but occurs more commonly in the under 50 age group.
Prostatitis is not a life threatening condition but it can be a very painful disorder.
"Baby" is a song by Canadian recording artist Justin Bieber. It was released as the lead single from the latter half of Bieber's debut album, "My World 2.0". The track was written by Bieber with Christopher "Tricky" Stewart and Terius "The-Dream" Nash who worked with Bieber on "One Time" and also by R&B singer Christina Milian and labelmate, rapper Ludacris, who lends his vocal on the hook. You can check out the Baby Lyrics here.
The video follows the young pop star as he tries to impress his love interest played by Jasmine Villegas. "It starts off, I really like this girl, but we didn't [get] along; we couldn't be together," Bieber said. "Basically I want her back and [I'm] kind of going through the whole thing. I'm chasing her around, trying to get her, and she's kind of playing hard to get, but I'm persistent. I keep going."
Filming for the music video began during the week of January 25, 2010, in Los Angeles during the week of the 52nd Grammy Awards, at which Bieber presented with Kesha. It was filmed at Universal CityWalk by director Ray Kay, who had previously directed videos for Beyoncé Knowles, Lady Gaga, and Alexandra Burke, among others.
The video features several cameos such as Young Money artists Canadian rapper Drake, and Lil Twist alongside Tinashe Kachingwe and jerkin' crew, The Rangers. The video takes place in a mall-like setting with a bowling alley, but there are also scenes of Bieber in other settings, hanging out with Luda, doing the moonwalk, messing with his hair and mugging for the camera. Regardless of his lady's apparent frustration with him, Bieber eventually wins her over. The video concludes with the pair walking off into the night holding hands.
Justin previously said that the video is inspired by Michael Jackson's "The Way You Make Me Feel". "We're kind of going off of Michael Jackson's 'The Way You make Me Feel' where he's trying to get the girl's attention and following her around," he said.
Find out more about Bieber, take a look at his photos and read all his lyrics by visiting his